Maya's Typical Uni Day

Image of UniHall resident, MayaMaya is in her second year living and studying at UWA.

Hailing from regional WA, Maya moved to Perth to pursue her studies, and shares a snapshot of a typical day living on campus at UniHall. 

Between 6.30am - 7am
wake up does not mean get up call out splashWake up. But wake up does not always mean get up!
  • Brush my teeth, and do a bit of stretching, 
  • Go for a sunrise walk, if I’m feeling it,
  • Make myself a morning coffee.
Pro tip: op-shops and Kmart have super cheap coffee plungers! And Woollies sells pretty affordable Fairtrade coffee grounds.
A couple of mornings a week I’ll do a workout with some other people from UniHall.

Icon of a to do listHave breakfast!

  • My go-to is porridge with protein powder and fruit.

Then I'll plan out my to-do list for the day, answer emails, etc.


Icon of laptopAttend to that day’s uni grind with classes, lectures, etc.

Usually I’ll start properly working around 10am.



Go have lunch at the Dining Hall.
After Lunch
After lunch I’ll do any more classes, or write up notes for study.
Around 4pm

Around 4pm my brain turns to mush. 

Icon of a GuitarI’ll usually go for a walk, play guitar, go food shopping, or do some Residential Advisor work (messaging residents, planning events etc).

This is usually the time when I phone my fam, or one of my old friends for a catch-up.
6pm or 6.30pm
Have dinner!
7pm - 9pm
I'll usually do some more study.
After 9pm

Icon of sleep ZZZsDive into bed, and read a few chapters of a book before I sleep.



Image of a coffee cup with a coffee press on a cabinet Image of swans on the river, taken by Maya on her morning wanders